Welcome to the
DeSoto Amateur Radio Club!
Radio net each Monday night at 7:30 PM except on the third Monday which is the monthly meeting.
Net is on the 147.075 repeater with a tone of 100 Hz.
Regretfully there will not be a 2024 Hamfest
The DeSoto Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit service organization offering information, fellowship and technical knowledge for Amateur Radio (Ham) enthusiasts and providing emergency communications for DeSoto County, Florida.
The DeSoto Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club and is a part of the West Central Florida Section.
Inside our web site, you'll find general information pertaining to Amateur Radio and the DeSoto Amateur Radio Club. We hope you will add our site to your favorites and visit us often .
The DeSoto Amateur Radio Club meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the DeSoto County EOC (Emergency Operations Center). The EOC is located at 2200 NE Roan Street in Arcadia, Fl.
For additional information about the club or other upcoming club event or meeting, contact Doug Christ at [email protected].
W4MIN Repeater System
The DeSoto Amateur Radio Club supports three repeaters within DeSoto County, Florida.
The frequencies are 147.075+ , 147.180+ and 444.200+ pl 100 Hz is needed to access.
Please feel free to use them while your visiting Desoto County.
The Key to Disaster Preparedness is
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
DeSoto County ARES
It's not CODE that makes the Ham, It's the ELMER!
Become an ELMER!